My Spring Break Bucket List

I'm joining Brigid from Brigid's Daily Lesson Log to tell you what fun things I want to do over break!

To be honest, I don't have big plans... so, this list might not be too exciting.  :)

1.  Workout, workout, workout -  My husband and I are starting P90X (again).  We did it about 4 years ago and I lost so much weight and got pretty fit.  We are going to start on Monday.  Spring Break will be a challenge because I usually just like to snack, eat, relax, and nap on breaks.  Not this time though!

We also have P90X2 to try... but we are going to do the first one then move on to the second.  Whew, 6 months of P90X, can I do it??

I can't wait for Tony Horton's lame jokes. :)


2.  Clean -    I can't wait to really purge through the closets and corners of my house.  Things have piled up throughout the winter and I'm so ready to just get rid of stuff.   The house needs a good thorough cleaning and some organizing, too.

3.  Relax - I love my couch.  My favorite thing to do is just lay on the couch (without a thought in my head) while starting at the TV.  But, I also find it really relaxing to create things for TpT.  So, I'm compiling my list now so I can spend lots of time creating and relaxing.

Did I tell you I was having a SALE?  It's running tomorrow and Monday!  Stop by and check it out!

4.  Walks in the Park - Weather permitting (since it's Ohio it could be sunny and warm or freezing cold with snow, who knows!), I want to take my dog on lots of walks in the park.  I put him on his long leash and just let him lead me.  He loves it!

5.  Sew Something - not sure what.  My lovely sewing machine hasn't been touched since Christmas so I need to dust her off and whip up something pretty.


6.  Go Somewhere - Where?  I don't know.  I don't like going places overnight.  I'm a homebody and love the comfort of my own house.  I'm also afraid of dirty hotel beds...  But, I want to go somewhere for the day with my husband.

7.  Pretty Up My Hair - I have a hair appointment scheduled for over break. I usually get the normal blonde highlights and a trim.  But, this time  I'm going to branch out A LOT....  ;)  I'm going to ask for the highlights to be a lighter blonde for a fresh look.  I'm so daring!  I might get a shorter cut, too.  We'll see.

I really can't call this a bucket list.  It's more of a to-do list.  :)

Time for YOU to link up and share your Spring Break Bucket List with us!


  1. Sounds like you will be busy! I couldn't agree more...I am sooo afraid of dirty hotel beds...too funny! Thanks so much for linking up! I hope you have an enjoyable and relaxing break!
    Brigid's Daily Lesson Log

    1. Thanks for organizing this fun linky party! :) It helped focus my mind on Spring Break! :)


  2. Awesome for you starting on P90X2...I don't have enough room in my house to do it. My husband is 6'5 and I am almost positive that if he jumped, he would hit his head on the ceiling :) Found your fun blog through the Linky Party! I'm your newest follower!
    Kickin’ it in Kindergarten
