TPT Cyber Sale Starts Tomorrow!

Hey....long time, no blog!

I've been spending my day creating and updating some of my products... just in time for the TPT Cyber Sale that begins tomorrow!

Here's a little peek at the products I've created and updated today:

I made this place value center for my students.  We've been working on addition and subtraction strategies since the beginning of the school year.  I am SO ready to move on to place value.  Check it out by clicking the picture above.  

This was one of my original products from about 2014.   Wow, I've definitely gotten better at creating products for TPT since then!  So, I gave the whole thing a much-needed face lift.  It's really like a completely new product.  ;-)  Click the picture to check it out.  

My store will be 28% off tomorrow and Tuesday!  Fill up those carts!


I'm BACK, people!

It has been CRAZY long since I've written a blog post.  I spent the majority of this past school year stressing, crying, and wondering why I became a teacher.  It was a rough year, let me tell ya.  But, now it's summer break and I get to de-stress, unwind, and refocus myself.  :-)

Moving on....

I spent the morning adding fluency cards to my biggest, best, and most awesome product in my TpT store.  I use these fluency cards like CRAZY in the classroom.  I love them because each pack focuses on a different phonics skill/sound.  They are perfect because they can give your learners so much differentiation.

This bundle now has 17 different fluency card packs!  Wanna know the BEST part about it?  It's CRAZY discounted for a very short time.  You'll get over 1,000 word and sentence cards for only $6.75!  Since it's a growing bundle, you'll only be paying $6.75 and you'll get all of the packs I add in the future for free!