Noun Game!

Love, love, love Latoya's weekly linky!  I'm excited to join in this week for the Noun Game!

Here are the rules:  Name your favorite person, place, thing, and animal! It's a piece of cake. :)

That's a hard one.  I love my whole family but I'm going to go with my husband.   We have fun together but can drive each other crazy.  We know what the other person is feeling most of the time but other times, we are completely on different pages of different books.  He keeps me grounded and he also keeps me on my toes. He is one of the sweetest guys I know and would drop anything (except his video games) to help someone.  I love him! 

My absolute favorite place is at home with my two guys.  I really enjoy being home when the house is clean and tidy.  I also LOVE Target.  :)  

My favorite thing is my laptop.  I could sit in front of this thing for hours.  It just allows me to do so much: keep in touch with people, play games, create for TpT, blog, etc.  AND... I can sit on the couch while I'm doing it all. 

Well, if you've ever read my blog before you know that I am obsessed with my dog!  He is my absolute, 100% favorite animal ever. :)

Don't forget to link up, friends!  Thank you to Latoya for hosting another fun linky!

Oh... and don't forget to check out my post from yesterday to see how you can get your hands on this... :)


  1. I haven't met a teacher yet who doesn't love Target. :) Your dog is adorable!

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten

  2. Target IS awesome,isn't it? I love my laptop as well. My hubby says that I love it more than I love him!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. Haha! My husband probably thinks the same thing.. but he's so obsessed with his computer, he can't say anything! ;)

  3. Hi Janet!

    I found you through the linky... great to "meet" you! I am from Canada and we are expecting our first Target store in the area to open this summer... can't wait! :) Your blog looks great! Can I ask a question...? I am a VERY new blogger, and I'm wondering how you set up your labels like you do? Mine look totally different!


    1. Welcome! :) To change the look of your labels go to blogger... then Layout-Labels-Edit. You'll want to click "cloud" not "list".

      I just hopped over to your blog and your labels look like they are already in the "cloud" format... so you probably already figured it out! :) If not, hope that helped a little bit! :)


  4. I'm here from Latoya's Linky. Don't you love how you can love someone who drives you crazy? I spend a lot of time on my laptop, too. I'm happy to be your newest follower. :)

    Adventures in First with Mrs. Key

    1. Aw, welcome! I'm headed over to your blog right now! :)

