Currently - January!

I'm linking up with Farley from Oh' Boy Fourth Grade (and TONS of other awesome bloggers... 343 to be exact!) to tell you what is currently happening with me!

Listening:  My husband got the Bruno Mars CD for me for Christmas and I LOVE IT.  It has a really good beat and I just feel like dancing when I listen to it.  :)

Loving:  I love being home.  I probably should just be a housewife.  I WISH!  This time off allows me to drop whatever it is I'm (not) doing to help my family.  I especially like that my Grandma lives so close and I can just swing by to brush the snow and scrape the ice off of her car.   It makes me so happy to be able to do little things like that for her.  <3

Thinking:  I have to go to the bank today... luckily, I can just go through the drive-thru.  BUT,  I am a mess.  Greasy hair, no makeup, and glasses on... hopefully I don't offend anyone.  ;)

Wanting:  It's so cold!!  I just cannot warm up, either.  We keep our temperature in the house pretty low but usually it doesn't bother me this much.  I just want to get under all my warm blankets and stay there all day.  :)

Needing:  OH MY.  My hair is awful.  I was born blonde but it got darker year by year. I don't like spending so much money to get it highlighted so I stretch it as long as I can.  And... this time, I waited too long!  I still have to wait a little longer, too... they couldn't get me in until the 12th.  Yikes.   How often do you get your hair highlighted?  Shockingly, I only go 2-3 times a year.   The last time I got it done was in August.  5 months!  Definitely not the recommended 6 weeks....

OLW:  Happiness.  I want to be one of those people that is always happy.  Things just slide right off their backs, they don't get upset over little things, and they can turn anything into something positive.  One of my resolutions was to be more positive.  So, if I start being more positive then I'll find true happiness.  I hope?  :)

Thanks for reading!  Don't forget to link up with Farley!


  1. Hi Janet! Visiting from Farley's Currently party:) Love your blog...too cute! Too funny, my son was talking about buying the Bruno Mars: download today:) Love your one little word and explanation...mine was peace:) As I was writing it though I was also thinking about "being a duck" and letting things slide off my back:) Have a blessed new year:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. Hey! I just found your blog through Farley's Currently!
    Your post made me laugh :)
    I'm a natural brunette but I used to have blonde highlights and I HATED having to go to the hairdresser all the time. So expensive! I love that now I only need to go every now and then to refresh my haircut.
    And I know how you feel about not being presentable in public. I feel the same way today. I can't believe I am even allowing my boyfriend to look at me :p
    I am your newest follower!
    Miss Elementary

    1. Welcome, Miss Sara! I was just at your blog a little bit ago and became a follower! :)


  3. I love your word Happiness. I agree spread the happiness and those around you will feel the energy of that.
    -Lovely Nina

  4. Thanks for checking out my blog!! Don't you just love Dreamlike Magic Blog Designs!!!! I love the the new Bruno Mars song. I am your newest follower as well!!


  5. I love your word, Happiness! Just found you through Farley's Currently and your blog is adorable! So happy to link up with a fellow first grade teacher!
    Excited to be your newest follower! YAY!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
