Awesomely Wacky!


We had an early release day today.  The students were able to leave at 2 but we weren't allowed to leave until our normal time.  But... plans changed and we got to leave at 3!  :)  We have a little assignment to do but I would much rather do it from home than stay at school to do it.  What time do you leave work?  On a normal day, we don't leave until 4:30.  8-4:30 is a long day for an elementary teacher, huh?  It was AWESOME to be out at 3!

Speaking of AWESOME.....

I just finished up my absolute favorite digital paper pack... :)  Photoshop is so fun and I love learning new little tricks each day.

The colors and lines just make me happy! :)

Click the picture if you want to take a closer look.

And, because I love all of my followers so very much, click the picture below to grab a freebie.

Oh.. and congratulations to....

She was the winner of my St. Patrick's Giveaway! :)  Thank you to all of you that entered!

Enjoy your Wednesday!


  1. Your new paper pack is so colorful! Thanks for sharing your freebie! I'm so excited to be the winner of your giveaway too! Can't wait to use it!

    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. Aw, thanks! I hope you can get some good use out of it in your classroom! :)
