Updating and Adding

I've started updating and adding to my digital paper packs.  So far I've added to the St. Patrick's Day and Boys Will Be Boys packs. :)  If you happened to purchase either one of these in the past, please re-download so you can get the new papers!

This pack includes 21 papers for just $2.00!!

This pack includes 19 papers for just $2.00!!

On a different note, we've had a little 're-structuring' happen with the administration at my school.  Without saying too much, I just want to put it out there that it is SO refreshing to have your "leader" say "hi" and smile when they see you.   Ahhh.... it is a nice change.  :)

I've been trying to surround myself with more positive, supportive people.  I'm trying to weed out sources of negativity. With that said,  I'm so lucky to have found a sweet, supportive co-worker that just understands me completely.  :)

Happy Friday!

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