"I can't real read so I just pretend read"

One of my little guys always needs help when it comes to reading something.  Sometimes he says that he can't hear the words in his ears or that he doesn't know how to read at all.  One day, he said, "I can't real read so I just fake read".  SO CUTE.  I think it would be a ton cuter if you could actually hear him say it... but, it was adorable.

I've posted a couple times about how we had to switch our reading programs recently.  With our old program, the kids struggled with simple CVC words.  They were working with a corrective reading program.. and it wasn't going well. This week was our first true week of "real" guided reading groups.  I was so against giving all of my groups first grade books because I didn't think they would be able to read them.    But...I was SO wrong!  We have been working on the same (first grade) books this week but they were ALL able to read the books on their own today.... even my lowest of low readers.  I was so proud and impressed.  :)

I'm pretty sure that taking a week on a book is a tad long, but we're just starting.  I already have our books picked out for next week and I can't wait to see how they do with them.

Just thought I'd share that happy, proud moment in my day!  I hope your day was filled with happy, proud moments, too!  Thanks for reading!


Thanks! And, LOTS More!

I am shocked by the amount of support I've felt during the Cyber Monday and bonus Tuesday sale! :)  I've been checking my sales non-stop!  :)  Don't forget - there's still more time to save!  The sale is still on!

On a different note, we suddenly switched our reading program - which is really hard to do mid-year.  I'm still trying to figure out what exactly I'm supposed to be doing/teaching.  I have TONS of anxiety about my kiddos not being able to read by 2nd grade because we are so "up in the air".  I've taught Direct Instruction Reading for years.   This year, we've talked about Four Blocks... and now, I think we're leaning more towards the Daily 5.  Ahhh!

I have started doing guided reading groups.  We are reading first grade books (and really struggling because most of my kiddos read at a Kindergarten {or below} level).  It took me a long time to wrap my head around the fact that my babies that can't sound out "cat" will be reading first grade books.  Needless to say, we're starting slow...  a lot of echo reading and making sure we're following along.

I haven't started the other aspects of the Daily 5 but I've been pinning and searching blogs for some helpful tips.

We started talking about animals in Science. Today, I split the class into groups, gave them pictures of animals, and had them sort them into categories (mammals, fish, birds, amphibians, insects, and reptiles).  They did SO good!  I was so proud!  There were some questions about some of the animals... so we hopped on the internet and did a little research!  The students were SO involved and in charge... I loved it!

I didn't copy the animals in color (they got to see the colored images on the Promethean board) and I didn't make it fancy for them at all..... just some animals, some paper, glue, and scissors!  I'll take a picture of their finished product tomorrow!

Here are some of the animals I used.... feel free to grab a copy if you're doing anything animal-related anytime soon!  Just click the picture! I used a ton of animals... and most kids might not know exactly what kind of animal these are.... so you might have to do a little research, too!

I plan on making these a little more fancy (when I have more time this weekend) and I'll add on the name of the animal on the card.

Well, good luck to all of the TpT/Teachers Notebook sellers on this last amazing day!  If you're interested in purchasing, don't wait!  Head over before the sale ends!  :)

Don't forget to check back this weekend if you want some fancier animal cards w/ animal names!  Thanks for reading!!


Shop Til You Drop (for Your Classroom)!

Are you still exhausted from all of your Black Friday shopping?  No worries!  Stay on the couch.  No need to get up!  Head on over to Teachers Pay Teachers to take advantage of the HUGE Cyber Monday (+bonus Tuesday) sale!  You could get up to 28% off! :)  Click the picture and don't forget to use the special promo code (CMT12) to get your additional savings!

It's crazy that it's ALREADY time to start planning for Christmas.  We always have the kids do a craft to give their parents as Christmas present.  We've done tissue paper wreaths and holiday coasters.  This year I'm looking for something that is less teacher-involved.  I want the students to be completely in charge of this present.  So.. I headed to Pinterest (of course) to find some cute ideas.  If you are looking for something for your students to make - check these ideas out! 




Click on any of the pictures to follow the link!  I'm going to go explore for more great ideas! :)

Thanks for stopping by! 

Liebster Blog Award!

Wowzas!  I got a sweet comment from Michele at Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans telling me that she nominated me for an award.  :)  Awesome!  To be honest, I had never heard for a Liebster Blog Award.. but after a quick google search, I know a little about it!

From what I read, "liebster" means "favorite" in German.  This award is for a "favorite" blog that is up and coming (one that has less than 200 followers).  Yay!

Here are the rules:
1.  You must post 11 random things about yourself.
2.  Answer the questions that the nominator created for you.
3.  Create 11 questions for the people you nominate.
4.  Choose 11 blogs you love that have less than 200 followers and link them to  your post.
5.  No tag back... leave a comment on THIS post with the URL of the Liebster so I can learn more about you!

Here are my random facts:
1.  My favorite thing to drink *hands-down* is club soda.  Yum!
2.  I over think and analyze everything (to a fault).
3.  I'm a little shy around people my age but I'm super silly (and not at all shy) with my students.
4.  I LOVE my dog Tobey.  Love. Love. Love.
5.  I buy Tobey something every time I go grocery shopping or go to Target because I love when he searches through the bags for it. :)
6.  I can't control myself around chocolate (especially Snickers and Kit Kats)... if it's there, I'll eat it.
7.  I hate jeans.  Ew.  They are constricting, uncomfortable, and ew.
8.  I wear pj pants/yoga pants when I'm home... all the time.
9.  I don't like when heat is blowing right on me.  I also don't like warm places.. I'd rather be a little cool/chilly.
10.  Whenever I am supposed to be somewhere, I am there 10-15 minutes early (or more).  I don't like being late.
11.  I love sleeping and taking naps!

Here are my answers to Michele's questions!
1.  How did you pick your blog name? 
2 years ago, when I first discovered tons of cute teacher blogs, I read a bunch of posts where teachers called their first grade students "firsties".  I LOVED it.  So, when I was thinking of a title for my blog, I remembered that and thought that Mrs. D and firstie (kind of) rhyme.  :)

2.  What make you start writing a blog? 
I was in awe with all of the other cute blogs out there.  I loved getting information and resources from them.  I wanted to be able to do that, too.  I also wanted to advertise some of my TpT items!

3.  What is your favorite thing to do with your family? 
I like just spending time with them.  Whether we are eating a meal, just relaxing/talking, or playing games... I always have fun!

4.  Coke or Pepsi? 
I don't have a favorite.  I try to stay away from pop (unless I'm having a stressful day and need a little extra carbonation).  I really like seltzer water (club soda).  MMMM.

5.  Who is your favorite music group? 
I don't have a favorite.  I like a lot of musicians/singers.  I love everything from Michael Buble to Nicki Minaj. :)

6.  What would you purchase if you had an unlimited budget? 
I would buy everything from Scrappin Doodles.  I would also buy any and every background, frame, or font that I could find.  I am obsessed!  I'd also buy Doxie, iPad, and Cameo.  I wish.... ho hum. ;)

7. What is your favorite book to share with your students? 
I LOVE reading Skippyjon Jones to my students.  I also like reading The Great Fuzz Frenzy.  They are both so fun and cute for some extra reading time!

8. What household chore do you like the least? 
I hate emptying the dishwasher.  Yuck.  Even though it only takes a couple minutes (that's what my mom always tells me...), I hate it.  And, I hate doing dishes by hand.  It's a tie, I guess.

9.  What professional book or conference changed something about how you teach? 
Our school went to a 3-day Capturing Kid's Hearts training this past summer.  It not only changed me as a teacher but I use what we learned in my personal life, too.  There were some great life lessons learned, for sure.

10.  What is your favorite color? 
Yellow!  Not necessarily bright, sunshine yellow.. more of a soft, pale, buttery yellow.  Love!

11.  If you could eat lunch with a famous person, who would it be? 
Oh goodness, that's a good one.  I don't know.  Pass!  Nah, kidding.  I think I'd be happy to eat lunch with anyone famous.  :)

Oh, you are still reading?!  Thanks for hangin' in there!  Now, time for my 11 questions and my 11 nominations!

1.    What is your biggest accomplishment (blogging, teaching, or personal... anything!)
2.    How many years have you been teaching?
3.    What is your favorite content area to teach? Why?
4.    How do you spend your free-time?
5.    What are you afraid of?
6.    What is your favorite blog to read (educational or not)?
7.    What is your favorite TV show?
8.    What kind of car do you drive?
9.    If you won $1,000 to spend on your classroom, what would you buy?
10.  What is your favorite restaurant?
11.  What is your favorite scent/smell?

Here are the 11 blogs that I'm nominating!
1.  Reading With Mrs. D
2.  Diving into 2nd Grade
3.  An Apple a Day in First Grade
4.  Coconut Cutie's Classroom
5.  First Grade Connections
6.  Mrs. Richardson's Class
7.  Counseling Hearts
8.  Klassy Kinders
9.  My Crazy Life in Kinder
10.  Permanently Primary
11.  Lattes & Laughter

Thank you for making it to the end of this never-ending post.  I have a freebie for ya' since you stuck it out until the end!  Thank you!

We're going to be learning about adjectives soon so I whipped up this little activity.  Kids love to color, right?  That's just what they will do... color and describe!  Just click the picture to check it out!

Thanks for reading!

SALE and Sight Words!

Do you love Black Friday?  I DO NOT... I just like to stay away from crazy crowds.  I DO love Cyber Monday.  I just wish we didn't have to work on Monday... it's hard getting all of those great sales when you're at work.  Want to hear some good news about this Cyber Monday sale??.... you better sit down for this....

Teachers Pay Teachers is having an AWESOME sale for Cyber Monday (+bonus Tuesday).  You HAVE to check it out!  You can get up to 28% off... incredible!  Want to see some of the people that are ready to slash their prices on Monday?  Head on over to Michelle's blog!

Don't forget to check out my store!  I have some super cute Christmas activities that will be PERFECT for December!  Click the picture below to head to my store! :)

Also....I'm linking up with Katie at Teacher to the Core for some sight word fun!

I feel that learning sight words is SO important... especially in first grade where the students are still learning letter sounds, blends, and all that good phonics stuff.

We always start out our year doing the Dolch Primer word list.  We don't start with the first grade word list because so many of our students come to first grade not knowing the other words.  My one special friend is currently learning his pre-primer words, though.  And, my smarty pants is on a list of sixth grade sight words.  My class is all over the place!

My special friend who is learning the pre-primer words LOVES to color his words.  I remember hearing from our school psychologist that having a child use color (or even writing them in color for your word wall) will help the student remember them.  That's why I created these....*click the picture!

This is a set of the 40 pre-primer dolch sight words in bubble letters.  It'll be a piece of cake for your students to just color away.  They can take them home or even keep them at school to practice! Interested in the other dolch sight word lists?  You'll also find the primer, first, second, third, and noun lists in my store, too!

Don't forget to head over to Katie's blog to link up and check out some other cute, fun sight word activities!  And.. get ready to shop 'til you drop for TpT's Cyber Monday sale!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Stuffed With Thankful Thoughts

What a perfect linky for Thanksgiving!  I'm linking up with Lyndsey at A Year of Many Firsts to tell you what I'm thankful for!  You should head over there and link up, too!

I'm thankful for my wonderful parents who made me the person I am today! 

Of course I'm thankful for my husband.  
He makes me laugh when I've had a bad day. 
He listens to my long stories about school, kids, blogging, and TpT. 
He would do anything for me... and I'd do anything for him.   

I'm thankful for my dog, Tobey.
He makes me so happy all the time. 

I'm thankful for my wonderful class of 21 sweethearts. 
I'm also thankful to have a job. 

I'm thankful for Teachers Pay Teachers. 
I've had so much fun creating, browsing, selling, and making some extra money. :)

I'm thankful for all of the bloggers that I follow, stalk, and aspire to be like! ;)
I'm thankful for their information, advice, and wonderful resources. 

I'm thankful for YOU for taking the time to read my blog. 
I'm thankful to all of my followers for supporting me! 

I could go on and on and on with more things that I'm thankful for... but, I don't want to bore you TOO much. Don't forget to link up!

Have a great Thanksgiving!  Thanks for stopping by!

Words for a Wednesday

I just love all of the sayings that you can find on Pinterest.  They even have some super cute ones for the classroom.  I made some of my own/found some, printed them, framed them, and stuck them on one of my windowsills in my classroom... just to make it a little pretty! I thought I took a picture but I guess not because it's not on my phone!  Oh well.

Here are some really cute ones that are floating around Pinterest/blogs for the classroom.

I found this one on Classroom Freebies Too.  Click the picture to grab it for free!

I also love this Classroom Rules poster from Melonheadz.  I found it at her TpT store. Sorry for the not-so-good-at-all picture.  I just had to pull it right off of the TpT site.  Click the bad picture to get to the awesome, cute poster!

Those are my favorites for the classroom.  If you want to check out some of my personal favorites for just everyday (motivational, funny, etc.), check out my Words of Wisdom Pinterest board!

On a different note, I made a new behavior clip chart! Mine was 3 years old and after laminating it over and over again, it just didn't look so nice.  Here's my new one! I love my fun fonts! Sorry about the bad quality picture... :(

Check out the ratio of girls to boys in my class.  Girls are on the left and boys are on the right.  I have LOTS of girls.  Luckily, all of my students are sweet... girls and boys alike!

That's it for now! Thanks for stopping by!


I Am Thankful For My Teacher linky!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner!   Ah!

Like everyone else, I'm especially thankful for my wonderful family and friends during this time of year.  I'm also thankful for the teachers I had throughout school that made me want to become a teacher.  :) Amy from The Resource(ful) Room is hosting the perfect linky party!  I am linking up so I can tell you about the one teacher that I am most thankful for.  Click the picture to head on over to Amy's blog to link up, too!

Although I'm a first grade teacher and am certified PreK-3... my FAVORITE, most inspiring teacher was my fifth grade teacher - Mrs. Oschek.  :)

She made me feel special every single day.  I can't remember exactly what I learned in 5th grade.  I can't even tell you what she taught in class.  But, I do remember that she was fair, firm, and nice.

She chose me to tutor a 1st grader who was having trouble in class.  I can remember sitting in the library with that 1st grader.  I was even allowed to miss class to do it... so lucky! I also remember skipping my recess to sort papers for her... and I got "paid" with a can of pop!  How exciting, huh?!

Random little info here...  I will never forget that shhe used to eat snap peas and apples every.single.day.  :)

When she retired, she asked me (and my best friend at that time) to come to the school during the summer to help her pack up her classroom.  We were probably about 13 at the time.  She was one of the older, "veteran" teachers... but still connected with her students and made you want to come to school.  

Although I feel like I was the "teacher's pet" that year, she didn't treat me different than any of the other students.... which I appreciate more now that I'm a teacher (it can be hard being consistent and fair with all of the students).  My friend and I were goofing around (writing on each other's papers) while she was teaching and she made me get up and move seats.  I was so embarrassed.  :(  But, she was firm, fair, and consistent and we all needed that.

So, the teacher I'm most thankful for was one that made me feel so special, smart, and capable...without letting me get away with anything! :)

I really hope that I make my students feel as special as she made me feel!

Thanks for stopping by!  Don't forget to link up with Amy at The Resource(ful) Room!


Fun Christmas Linky!

Christmas is by-far the best holiday.. so, when I saw Tammy from 1..2...3 Teach With Me was hosting a Fun Christmas linky party, I had to join!  Click the picture to check it out!

I tried to put most of my favorite Christmas things for the classroom onto my collaborative Christmas Classroom board on Pinterest.  Click here to check it out.  Leave your pinterest URL in a comment if you want to be added to this board! :)

I also have a couple super fun Christmas themed products in my TpT store.  You can click any of the pictures to check them out! 

Some Christmas ideas for the home that I LOVE are...

I tried to follow the link back to the original post in the blog but it didn't lead me in the right direction (don't you hate that?). Anywho, check out this blog (where it came from) for super cute Christmas ideas!



This would be a great way to show off the Christmas cards you've gotten.... and you could make it yourself! 

Here are some fun sweets/treats for parties or your classroom: 
Santa Party Mix... yum!

Click on the picture to see a TON of other cute Christmas snacks for kids or parties! 

I guess I should stop there.  I could keep adding more and more things though!  There are just so many great Christmas ideas out there.  This was one of the BEST linky parties I've joined!  :)  Don't forget to head over to 1..2..3 Teach With Me to link up! 

Thanks for stopping by! 

Compound Words!

Happy Sunday!  I recently added a really cute compound word activity to my TpT store!  We aren't doing compound words in my class for a while.  But, I saw this cute pack of BIRTHDAY ELEMENTS from Scrappin Doodles, I couldn't resist.  Then, I thought... birthday.  That's a compound word!  Cupcake... that's a compound word!  And, I just flew with the idea.  So, if you're doing compound words anytime soon, check it out by clicking the picture below!

On a different note, can you believe Thanksgiving is just a few days away?  I have a busy week ahead of me... just 2 days of school but, we have conferences on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.  I'm excited to sit down and chat with some of the parents (and tell them how awesome their child is... I really got lucky with my class this year!).  With a short week and conferences, I'm finding it hard to get my mind thinking about Thanksgiving.  I guess that will just have to wait until Wednesday afternoon when I'm done with conferences!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!  I hope you are ready for Thanksgiving (unlike me...)!! :)

MIA = Freebie!

It's been a while since I've posted!  I never really realized how time-consuming creating TpT items, blogging, and trying to "market" yourself was.  When we had those 4 "hurricane days"... I was a blogging, blog-stalking, creating, commenting, and marketing pro!  But, it's not so easy when you only have the evenings and weekends to do it.

So, to say sorry for slacking with my blog, I made a cute little Christmas SCOOT game freebie for you.  If you read my blog a little bit ago, you (hopefully) picked up the Thanksgiving SCOOT freebie.  If not, head over to this post and grab it!  I used that version and the other 2 that are in my Thanksgiving SCOOT game pack with my students and they LOVED it.  I did have a couple students write the answer RIGHT ON the card.  Silly kiddos... hopefully, once we start playing more, they'll get the hang of it.  :)  Oh.. and I'm pretty cheap when it comes to printer ink so I printed them off in black and white and they were still super cute.  Eventually, when I have some more time, I'll print them in color and laminate so I can have them for next year!

Sorry to ramble.... here's the freebie!  Just click the picture to grab it. :)

If you like what you see, head on over to my store to check out the FULL pack of Christmas SCOOT games!  It has 5 games for just $4.00.  :) 

Thanks for stopping by!  Have an awesome weekend! 


Cities/Towns and a SCOOT FREEBIE!

Hello!  It's been a while... and one heck of a week!  We had a crazy couple of days in school (trying to catch up after our 4 "hurricane days").  We celebrated Veteran's Day with the kiddos yesterday.  They were able to see and climb into two huge army vehicles.  It was so exciting for them!  I wish I took pictures!

We also talked about cities and towns and how they are different.  My students always struggle with telling the difference between the two.  They can tell me facts about each but then can't look at a picture and identify which is which.  Interesting.  Anywho, this year, I let them create towns and cities with paper.  We talked about what they have in them - buildings, stores, people, cars, trains, etc.  We also completed a venn diagram to compare the two. Then, I put them in groups and let them create.  They aren't finished yet but here's a sneak peek of how they look so far.

The big blue thing is a train. :)

 I just noticed a person on top of the house.  Hopefully that little girl wasn't glued down yet! 
The things in the air are jets.  I called them airplanes and was corrected by this group.  They are JETS. :)

I'm loving their little people.  It's crazy that some of them struggle with drawing people in their journal... but ask them to cut and glue pieces of paper together, and they can do it!  :) And, my kids worked together SO well.  I'd hear them saying, "Can you make me a shirt for my person?" or "I'll make the houses!  Can you make the cars?"... it warmed my heart.  <3

I was racking my brain with fun Thanksgiving ideas for my Math class.  I realized I needed to make some Thanksgiving themed SCOOT cards for our last days of school before Thanksgiving break!  Check out the full pack (3 sets: addition/subtraction word problems, addition sentences, and subtraction sentences) at my TpT store!  Click the image below to grab the 3 sets for just $3!

Because I appreciate my lovely followers so much, click the picture below to grab the set of subtraction SCOOT cards for FREE!  Who doesn't love a freebie?

I hope you can use these SCOOT cards in your classroom!

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by!



I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade for November's Currently!  Head on over to her blog to see what everyone is up to this month!

I'm not a HUGE fan of The Voice but I'll put it on if there's nothing else on.  I looked up for a second and saw Cee-lo wearing a ridiculous wig.  He's so.... special.  :)

I talk to my mom almost every night.  We live about 20 minutes away from each other so we get to see each other a lot... but, I just LOVE our chats.  I could talk to her for an hour every night and still have things to say.  

I am EXHAUSTED.  This Monday was rough.  The kids were great, the day was good; but I was d.r.a.g.g.i.n.g.  Hurricane Sandy gave us 4 "hurricane days" last week... so I'm used to getting a big nap every morning.  The time change did me in, too.  Zzzzzzzzz.....

I went to Costco this weekend and HAD to buy one of those humongous pumpkin pies. I usually bake my own pies around this time of year but I'm feeling a little lazy.  So, Costco pumpkin pie was the perfect thing! MMM!  It was tasty!  We finished it up (embarrassingly) fast and I'm craving more.  If you are a pumpkin pie fan, I definitely recommend getting one from Costco.

Holy moly!  Christmas is right around the corner! I'm going to really try to cut back on my spending this year (because I'm broke).  But, I don't know what anyone wants!  No idea.  I better get going!  Oh... and I DO NOT like Black Friday.  I run from crowds.  It scares, annoys, and stresses me.  I'd rather spend the day in my PJS and order some presents from Amazon.  Are you a Black Friday fanatic?

The music part is pretty self-explanatory.  I love all kinds of music.  It depends on the mood but I'll listen to almost anything.  :)

Time for bed!  Thanks for stopping by!


Sore Muscles and a Freebie!

My WHOLE body is sore... I spent 8 hours hanging drywall in our basement yesterday and an hour picking up sticks this morning.   On a happy note, our basement is ALMOST all drywalled.. and my dad's yard is nice and stick-free!  I think I'm going to spend the rest of the day right here on the couch.  :)

I received my Scrappin Doodles license and made my first freebie!  :)  Click the picture below to grab it!  There are different types of writing papers for your kiddos leading up to Thanksgiving.  They would be perfect for a writing center or even as paper for Spelling tests!  I hope you enjoy.  Once my creative juices are back, I'll whip up something else! 

Enjoy your Sunday! 


Scrappin Doodles and Doxie or No Doxie?

I am so grateful for these last 4 days off from school.  Although I'm missing my students, had to skip our class Halloween celebration, and now I'm worried about the fact that we've burned through 4 of our 5 snow days in OCTOBER,  I'm grateful because it's given me a ton of time to "market" myself.

I've been posting like crazy on the TpT forums in a selfish attempt to gain more followers and sell more products.  I've also started a Facebook page so my blog is more "out there".  I've sold lots of stuff on TpT and I've gained a few followers on my blog.... so, it has surely been a successful 4-day no-electricity-in-the-school vacation!

I also decided that I needed a Scrappin Doodles license so I can start offering more FREEBIES!  I'm always so worried about the copyright laws/rules but no need to worry anymore!  I can use all of my (thousands) of graphics from Scrappin Doodles to give you all some super cute freebies!  I just have to wait to receive my special license button for my blog...then it's FREEBIE TIME!

Speaking of making cute things.. I was looking at getting a Doxie.  I think having a scanner will allow me to do some cool things with my TpT units/products.  Who doesn't love a little cut and paste craft for the kiddos to make during a holiday?  So... while researching scanner, I came across the Doxie U.

I'm wondering if it'll get the job done?   The reviews that I've seen are pretty good. It's kind of pricey but I think all scanner are, right?  If you have one, please let me know what you think of it! Or, if not, do you have a scanner?  What kind?  Do you love it?  (we're playing 20 questions here...)    :)

Also, TpT is trying to get nominated for a Crunchie!  Click here to nominate them.  You can vote once every day until December 6th.   FYI:  The Crunchies are to "recognize and celebrate the most compelling startups, internet, and technology innovations of the year."  (I had to look that up... haha).

Now it's time to work on my first of many freebies!  Come back soon to see what it is!

Thanks for stopping by!

Christmas and Teachers Help Teachers

Halloween flew by.  Since I was at home because of a "Hurricane Day", I didn't get to celebrate with the kiddos.  I'm hoping our school has power tomorrow so I can have a belated Halloween celebration for my students.  I never thought I'd be wishing to go to work?!

Stores already have Christmas things out!  Ah!  Every year I feel stores speed by Thanksgiving because Christmas is such a huge money-making holiday.   I guess my mind is doing the same thing as the stores are!  I'm all about Christmas lately.  I started a collaborative Pinterest board so we can all pin our cute crafts, decorations, treats, and ideas for Christmas in our classrooms.  If you'd like to be added as a pinner for the board, leave me a comment with your Pinterest URL! 

The only thing that I've made (so far) Christmas-related is my Noun or Verb? Christmas themed sorting activity.  If you're interested in it, click the picture below.  It's only $2.00!  :) 

I can't imagine how the holidays are going to be for all of the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  It just hurts my heart to think about it.  Not only that, I can't imagine how the teachers (who probably lost everything in their classroom) are going to get right back into teaching after the clean-up.  But, I want to help... and you should too!  Please?!

I joined Laurah from The ESOL Odyssey to help the teachers who have been affected by Hurricane Sandy.  I signed up to donate an item from my TpT store. Head on over to Laurah's blog to find out more information about how you can help!  (click the picture below)

Thanks for stopping by!  Oh... and don't forget to leave your Pinterest URL so I can add you to my Christmas Classroom collaborative board!