"I can't real read so I just pretend read"

One of my little guys always needs help when it comes to reading something.  Sometimes he says that he can't hear the words in his ears or that he doesn't know how to read at all.  One day, he said, "I can't real read so I just fake read".  SO CUTE.  I think it would be a ton cuter if you could actually hear him say it... but, it was adorable.

I've posted a couple times about how we had to switch our reading programs recently.  With our old program, the kids struggled with simple CVC words.  They were working with a corrective reading program.. and it wasn't going well. This week was our first true week of "real" guided reading groups.  I was so against giving all of my groups first grade books because I didn't think they would be able to read them.    But...I was SO wrong!  We have been working on the same (first grade) books this week but they were ALL able to read the books on their own today.... even my lowest of low readers.  I was so proud and impressed.  :)

I'm pretty sure that taking a week on a book is a tad long, but we're just starting.  I already have our books picked out for next week and I can't wait to see how they do with them.

Just thought I'd share that happy, proud moment in my day!  I hope your day was filled with happy, proud moments, too!  Thanks for reading!



  1. I bet your students were excited that they were reading them too. My kiddos are always excited to read to me and their 4th grade buddy. They can't get over that they can do it. Warms my heart. Glad you had a great time!

    The Busy Busy Hive

  2. So glad you found my blog so I could stop by yours. I am following now. :) Lattes&Laughter
