SALE and Sight Words!

Do you love Black Friday?  I DO NOT... I just like to stay away from crazy crowds.  I DO love Cyber Monday.  I just wish we didn't have to work on Monday... it's hard getting all of those great sales when you're at work.  Want to hear some good news about this Cyber Monday sale??.... you better sit down for this....

Teachers Pay Teachers is having an AWESOME sale for Cyber Monday (+bonus Tuesday).  You HAVE to check it out!  You can get up to 28% off... incredible!  Want to see some of the people that are ready to slash their prices on Monday?  Head on over to Michelle's blog!

Don't forget to check out my store!  I have some super cute Christmas activities that will be PERFECT for December!  Click the picture below to head to my store! :)

Also....I'm linking up with Katie at Teacher to the Core for some sight word fun!

I feel that learning sight words is SO important... especially in first grade where the students are still learning letter sounds, blends, and all that good phonics stuff.

We always start out our year doing the Dolch Primer word list.  We don't start with the first grade word list because so many of our students come to first grade not knowing the other words.  My one special friend is currently learning his pre-primer words, though.  And, my smarty pants is on a list of sixth grade sight words.  My class is all over the place!

My special friend who is learning the pre-primer words LOVES to color his words.  I remember hearing from our school psychologist that having a child use color (or even writing them in color for your word wall) will help the student remember them.  That's why I created these....*click the picture!

This is a set of the 40 pre-primer dolch sight words in bubble letters.  It'll be a piece of cake for your students to just color away.  They can take them home or even keep them at school to practice! Interested in the other dolch sight word lists?  You'll also find the primer, first, second, third, and noun lists in my store, too!

Don't forget to head over to Katie's blog to link up and check out some other cute, fun sight word activities!  And.. get ready to shop 'til you drop for TpT's Cyber Monday sale!!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. You stuff looks great! i hope you do well in the sale!
    I nomiated you for a Liebster Award. Head on over to my blog to check it out!

    Coffee Cups and Lesson Plans

  2. Michele - Thank you for the sweet comment and the nomination! I'm headed to your blog right now to check it out! :)


  3. Found your blog through Farley and I LOVE your colorful design!! I'm your newest follower and also nominated you for a Liebster Award. Double blog love!
    Colleen :-)
    Fun and Fearless in First

  4. I am your newest follower!

    I have nominated you for the Liebster Award for the third time. hehe Check out my blog for all the details

    Christina :)
    Check out my blog!
    Apples, Books, and Crayons
