Scrappin Doodles and Doxie or No Doxie?

I am so grateful for these last 4 days off from school.  Although I'm missing my students, had to skip our class Halloween celebration, and now I'm worried about the fact that we've burned through 4 of our 5 snow days in OCTOBER,  I'm grateful because it's given me a ton of time to "market" myself.

I've been posting like crazy on the TpT forums in a selfish attempt to gain more followers and sell more products.  I've also started a Facebook page so my blog is more "out there".  I've sold lots of stuff on TpT and I've gained a few followers on my blog.... so, it has surely been a successful 4-day no-electricity-in-the-school vacation!

I also decided that I needed a Scrappin Doodles license so I can start offering more FREEBIES!  I'm always so worried about the copyright laws/rules but no need to worry anymore!  I can use all of my (thousands) of graphics from Scrappin Doodles to give you all some super cute freebies!  I just have to wait to receive my special license button for my blog...then it's FREEBIE TIME!

Speaking of making cute things.. I was looking at getting a Doxie.  I think having a scanner will allow me to do some cool things with my TpT units/products.  Who doesn't love a little cut and paste craft for the kiddos to make during a holiday?  So... while researching scanner, I came across the Doxie U.

I'm wondering if it'll get the job done?   The reviews that I've seen are pretty good. It's kind of pricey but I think all scanner are, right?  If you have one, please let me know what you think of it! Or, if not, do you have a scanner?  What kind?  Do you love it?  (we're playing 20 questions here...)    :)

Also, TpT is trying to get nominated for a Crunchie!  Click here to nominate them.  You can vote once every day until December 6th.   FYI:  The Crunchies are to "recognize and celebrate the most compelling startups, internet, and technology innovations of the year."  (I had to look that up... haha).

Now it's time to work on my first of many freebies!  Come back soon to see what it is!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. thank you for stopping by my blog and the follow. Now I am your newest follower. When you get those freebies going I hope you join in on the link ups.


  2. Hey! Love your blog! :) I am your newest follower! I had never heard of a Doxie and after reading this post... I HAVE to get one! That will now be the top item on my Christmas list. What a wonderful tool for teachers! Thanks for sharing it!
    If you have time, stop by my blog "The Price of Teaching"!
