MIA = Freebie!

It's been a while since I've posted!  I never really realized how time-consuming creating TpT items, blogging, and trying to "market" yourself was.  When we had those 4 "hurricane days"... I was a blogging, blog-stalking, creating, commenting, and marketing pro!  But, it's not so easy when you only have the evenings and weekends to do it.

So, to say sorry for slacking with my blog, I made a cute little Christmas SCOOT game freebie for you.  If you read my blog a little bit ago, you (hopefully) picked up the Thanksgiving SCOOT freebie.  If not, head over to this post and grab it!  I used that version and the other 2 that are in my Thanksgiving SCOOT game pack with my students and they LOVED it.  I did have a couple students write the answer RIGHT ON the card.  Silly kiddos... hopefully, once we start playing more, they'll get the hang of it.  :)  Oh.. and I'm pretty cheap when it comes to printer ink so I printed them off in black and white and they were still super cute.  Eventually, when I have some more time, I'll print them in color and laminate so I can have them for next year!

Sorry to ramble.... here's the freebie!  Just click the picture to grab it. :)

If you like what you see, head on over to my store to check out the FULL pack of Christmas SCOOT games!  It has 5 games for just $4.00.  :) 

Thanks for stopping by!  Have an awesome weekend! 

1 comment

  1. I just found you and am your 60th follower! :)

    Your site is adorable, your freebies are adorable, and you seems just adorable too!

    Hope you stop by soon. I have lots of freebies you might find useful as well.

    Granny Goes to School
