I Am Thankful For My Teacher linky!

Thanksgiving is right around the corner!   Ah!

Like everyone else, I'm especially thankful for my wonderful family and friends during this time of year.  I'm also thankful for the teachers I had throughout school that made me want to become a teacher.  :) Amy from The Resource(ful) Room is hosting the perfect linky party!  I am linking up so I can tell you about the one teacher that I am most thankful for.  Click the picture to head on over to Amy's blog to link up, too!

Although I'm a first grade teacher and am certified PreK-3... my FAVORITE, most inspiring teacher was my fifth grade teacher - Mrs. Oschek.  :)

She made me feel special every single day.  I can't remember exactly what I learned in 5th grade.  I can't even tell you what she taught in class.  But, I do remember that she was fair, firm, and nice.

She chose me to tutor a 1st grader who was having trouble in class.  I can remember sitting in the library with that 1st grader.  I was even allowed to miss class to do it... so lucky! I also remember skipping my recess to sort papers for her... and I got "paid" with a can of pop!  How exciting, huh?!

Random little info here...  I will never forget that shhe used to eat snap peas and apples every.single.day.  :)

When she retired, she asked me (and my best friend at that time) to come to the school during the summer to help her pack up her classroom.  We were probably about 13 at the time.  She was one of the older, "veteran" teachers... but still connected with her students and made you want to come to school.  

Although I feel like I was the "teacher's pet" that year, she didn't treat me different than any of the other students.... which I appreciate more now that I'm a teacher (it can be hard being consistent and fair with all of the students).  My friend and I were goofing around (writing on each other's papers) while she was teaching and she made me get up and move seats.  I was so embarrassed.  :(  But, she was firm, fair, and consistent and we all needed that.

So, the teacher I'm most thankful for was one that made me feel so special, smart, and capable...without letting me get away with anything! :)

I really hope that I make my students feel as special as she made me feel!

Thanks for stopping by!  Don't forget to link up with Amy at The Resource(ful) Room!

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