Currently and Backgrounds Galore!

I'm linking up with Farley over at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade again for the monthly currently... here is what I'm up to!

LISTENING:  I'm mad at the fridge.  We've had this big guy for 4 years and he's been acting up for about 2 of them.  Water pools under the veggie drawers.  Sometimes the water gets into the drawers, so I can't put anything in there.  It's a TON of wasted space.  This morning, I soaked up all the water and found ICE.  Ugh.  I've read that there's a fix... the drain is clogged/frozen.  Who knows.  That's a man's job... :)   As for the rain, I'm just glad it's not snow!!

LOVING: I can't believe it's in the 50's in Ohio... in December! I'm not complaining!

THINKING: I have NO idea what I want for Christmas.  I'll think of something and then tell myself I don't need it.  I usually buy myself whatever I want so it's hard to think of something for someone else to buy me.

WANTING:  Who doesn't want more hours in the day?  I've been making lots of super cute backgrounds today... keep reading to check some out!

NEEDING:  Ugh.  Laundry.  Yuck.  I need to start dinner, too.   I'm making one of my faves.. beef stroganoff.  MMMM... so comforting and filling.  Yummmmy!

RAK:  I read about someone else doing this already.  I thought it was the coolest thing.  Who wouldn't love to pull up to the window to find out that someone has already paid?  And, there's no time to thank them or even see who is was... because, by the time they hear you did it, you are already gone!  :)


Like I said, I've had TONS of fun creating bright, colorful backgrounds!  Click any of the images to check them out!

I'm working on some new dot backgrounds and wavy backgrounds, too!  Have to get back to creating... :)

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hello from Manitoba, Canada! I am also linked up with Farley and wanted to stop by and say hi! I am kind of jealous that you have warm weather right now, we are currently at about -20 celcius!!

    Miss L
    Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching

  2. Your fridge and mine sound very similar - I am forever asking who dripped water on the floor! I am loving the pink and black background :)I also find it hard to think of ideas of things for people to buy me for Christmas.

  3. Oooo, our RAK's are nearly the same- Love it! That quote is also wonderful- so true and so important to remember. Hope you have a great week :)

    3rd Grade Thoughts
