Fraction Fun and a Freebie!

Hello!  I have been one busy lady... not really busy... but, my mind has been busy.  Do you have a hard time getting things done when you have SO many things to do?  I'm definitely that way.  If the list is long, nothing gets done. 

How was your Teacher Appreciation Week?  We were allowed to wear jeans every day last week.  I hate jeans, though.  We got some new Mr. Sketch markers... :)  What teacher doesn't love a new pack of smelly markers?!

We also had a special lunch and breakfast.  AND...we got to pick a day to leave an hour early or come in an hour late.  I picked Thursday.  :)  I left an hour early and then I was off on Friday. It worked out perfectly!

I have my final evaluation on Monday.  Although I know I'm a good teacher, my students are angels, and I feel completely comfortable teaching in front of the principal... I'm still SUPER nervous!  :)   I'm going to be teaching fractions....

I already introduced fractions by offering some Hershey's bars.  I let the students pick what fraction of the bar they wanted.  Of course, they picked the one with the biggest denominator. :)  They learned REAL quick which one they should have picked.  They were so cute when they realized what the fractions meant... so everyone got a Hershey's bar.  :)

I didn't eat ANY of the chocolate.  I was so proud of myself.  :) I'm down 20 lbs... can't mess it up now! 

We've done more work with fractions since then so I really just need a fun, enrichment for them.  I found a little gem on TpT and knew it would be perfect...  Flower Fraction Freebie.  :)  Before creating our flowers, I'm going to ask them what fraction of a cookie they want.  I'm hoping they'll have a better understanding of fractions this time around. :)  

I also found a super cute game that we can play on the Promethean Board.  It's called Fractions Shoot.  There are different levels to play which will be perfect for my kiddos! 

Now, for the freebie!  I'm working on my Lavender Lemon Digital Paper Pack.  She's still not ready, but I want to give you some of the papers I have so far.  :) 

Click the pic to get your copy!  If you grab the freebie, please leave a comment below so I know what you think of it.  I love feedback! :)

Happy Weekend!


  1. Keep up the good work! 20 lbs is amazing! I'm so jealous, I wish I had a little bit of your stamina!


  2. The Lavendar Lemon looks beautiful! Laura

  3. OMG!!! I just had the most incredible experience thanks to your blog! I stumbled upon your blog via the state teacher bloggers site, since I'm also an Ohio teacher blogger.
    I liked your lemon graphics and clicked to get the freebies. It took me to a google page and from there I ended up at your whole google drive. I saw the link for the ER doctor Notebook game and my heart skipped a beat! I had created this years ago when I first got my SmartBoard and have used it ever since. I checked it out and it WAS mine!
    How crazy it that? It's nice to know that in such a huge world, we're not really that far away.
    Where in Ohio are you? I'm in North Olmsted, which is a western suburb of Cleveland. I also teach first grade.
    I am new to the blogging world but I would love to meet up with other Ohio bloggers someday.
    Looking forward to hearing from you!
    Meenal Parikh

  4. Janet!
    Thank you so much for the freebie!!!
    Gorgeous colors!
    A few blogger friends and I are putting together a meet up on July 26 in downtown Toledo for a lunch date! More info to come! I just saw you lived in Ohio so we would love to have you!!!
