
I'm linking up with Farley for her super fun Currently linky!  :) 

I am IN LOVE with that song.  It just makes me want to hug and slow dance with my boyfriend.  :)  Is that weird?

Although Winter Break is almost over, I am still loving it.  It's been 2 weeks of relaxation, fun, and productivity.

Oh, this stinkin' sub tub is CONSTANTLY on my mind.  I think I have a million activities to try to shove into it, but I still feel like it's not enough.  I'm trying to think of everything....but I'm probably over-thinking (as usual).

I just need more time each day. I don't have enough time for everything I want to do!

Who doesn't love massages?  Ahhh... I need one.

Yes Maybe I Wish:
YES......YUM Caramel Brulee Latte from Starbucks.  Have you tried it?  YOU MUST.  It's the best.  I went to Target this morning and, of course, stopped at Starbucks.   I guess something was wrong with the scanner so it wouldn't scan the app on my phone and the actual gift card didn't work they gave me my coffee for FREE!  What a great way to start the day, huh?  

MAYBE.... I really need to branch out....get out of my comfort zone....I guess in all areas?  I can't really explain it but I'm maybe going to stop holding myself back from new things.  Does that make sense? Anyway....

I WISH....I want to do it all - create a ton of really useful things for TpT, craft, sew, make things for my class....just let my creativity flow.  There just isn't enough time in the day to do it all!

Ok, time to continue being productive! :)  Make sure to join this fun linky!


  1. I am so excited to link up for Currently this month! I'm an Ed Sheeran fan too. Ah...Thinking Out Loud...BY FAR one of my favorite romantic grooves. I'm striving for getting outside my comfort zone this year too. More power to us! Happy 2015!

  2. I love Thinking Out Loud! I always imagine my husband and I in the song. I actually posted about moving out of the classroom when I get the chance, so we are on the same wavelength! I am so glad to be your newest follower, come visit me and we can be blogging buddies!

    Faithful in First

  3. That's so sweet! We're linked up now! Thanks for the encouragement! :)
