Instagrammin' It!

I am pretty good with technology and seem to pick most "technological things" up pretty easily.  Not Instagram.  I don't understand it.  But, I guess it's just a way to share pictures?  Hashtags? Ugh.  I'm still trying to understand those, too. 

But, I'm linking up with What the Teacher Wants and Apples and ABC's for their Instagram Linky! I love myself a good linky! :)

I haven't really snapped many school pics with my account yet but I'm excited to do just that!  Follow me, friends!  My username is: MrsDsFirsties.   Just look at my # of pics, followers, and people I'm following.... I need to step it up! 

Here are some of my favorite pictures that I've snapped so far... :)  There are more educational pics to come, I promise!

Some of my super cute sparkle and pretty pins for my behavior chart. :)

Yummmm!  My chocolate peanut butter cupcakes... a family favorite!

Of course, my little Tobey... napping on a toy.  

Don't forget to join in the fun!  When you snap your pic for Teacher Talk Tuesday, make sure to use the hashtag #teachertalktuesday! :) 

Oh.. and don't forget to stop back tomorrow!  It's Tobey's birthday tomorrow and he wanted me to share some freebies with you all!  ;)


  1. I am so excited! Started my Instagram tonight! YAY!
    And no worries Janet...
    I don't even have photos loaded yet!
    One day at a time!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe
