Help! I'm Stranded!


Someone please take me to wherever this is!  :)

I'm linking up with Latoya from Flying into First Grade for her weekly Let's Get Acquainted linky!  This week I'm going to tell you the three things want if I were stranded on a deserted island.  :)

Obviously I'd want food and water first.  But, let's pretend I already have those things. :) 

So, here's what I would want.... 

1.  Chapstick -  I can't go anywhere without it.  My lips automatically feel chapped when I know I don't have chapstick.  :)  


Did you know ChapStick (the brand) has Cake Batter and Red Velvet flavored chapsticks?  Yum!  I {HEART} eos and Aveda Lip Saver, though.  

2.  Tobey - He would have so much fun on that island!  There won't be any other dogs to run out after him and no cars for him to bark at!  I've taken him to the beach 2 times and he had tons of fun biting at the waves... so, he'd be nice and busy.  :) 

That's Tobey chewing on his deer antler.  :)  Thanks Sarah for telling me how much your pup loves the antlers! (I'd sneak a couple of deer antlers onto the deserted island for my Tobey) 

3.   Sunscreen - I would be a blistery lobster if I didn't have some strong sunscreen.  You may call it fair-skinned or pale, I call it ghostly.  No amount of sun will ever change that... so I would have to protect myself!


Don't forget to link up!


  1. Janet! I would love to have you do a guest post on my blog. Would you be interested? Let me know

    Crofts' Classroom

    1. I emailed you! I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you!


  2. Ha! Love that last picture. I actually had to think hard about what to bring.. I never thought about chap-stick!

    Your newest follower,
    The 4th Grade Journey

    1. Thanks for visiting! I'm headed to your blog right now!

