Summer School Fun!

I offered to teach summer school.... I'm crazy.  I would love to be enjoying my work-free, worry-free summer... but nope.  I'm raking in the dough though! ;)  4 students, 4 hours a day, 4 days a week, for 4 weeks (that's a lot of 4's)!  

I have one incoming Kindergartner and 3 students that already completed Kindergarten last year (but are realllly low).  We're having tons of fun learning our letters, letter sounds, and sight words.  It's kind of monotonous but I'm trying to make everything as fun as possible. 

Check out some of the fun things we've done so far! :) 

We always spend LOTS of time reviewing the pre-primer Dolch sight words.  The poor babies, coming into 1st grade, realllly struggle with the most basic words.  But, we're getting there!  We used colored sand to trace our words and letters during our beach themed week. 

We read Rainbow Fish and used watercolors to paint our own fish.  Then, we completed sentences describing our fish.

My one poor guy who I'll call "Rocket Ship" (he loves to make noises like a rocket ship and talk like Batman...haha), is having the hardest time remember the names of letters.  I used these Newman's Own Alphabet cookies for a little fun.  4 letters that "Rocket Ship" CANNOT get: f, t, j, k..  8 more days with me and he WILL learn them. ;)

What baffles me the most?  He has memorized ALL of the sounds!

We also used the Lakeshore Easy-Grip Sponge Painters to practice our letters and sounds.  While they were picking and stamping letters, I was asking what letter they were using and the sound it made.  It made boring letter practice a little more fun. :)

MELT MY HEART.  This picture is of one of the incoming 1st graders helping an incoming Kindergartner read.  She took charge, pointed to all of the words, and helped when the little cutie got stuck.  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE.  

Although I'm giving up some of my summer, I'm so happy to be helping these kids.  They really need the extra boost to get them ready for the next school year. :)  

Next week's theme is CAMPING.  I have lots of planning to do, but I've already started pinning some awesome ideas!  Check out my Pinterest boards for some great letter/sound/sight word/themed activities!

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