My Summer is Nearing An END?

Say what?!  Summer just began!  Sadly, I have to report back to school on July 16th.  Thankfully, I'll only have professional developments and trainings on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.  But, it sure does cut into my summer vacation.  :(  Boo hoo...

On a different, happier note, my Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy nail polish is still on and not chipped! It has lasted through some tough work too - house cleaning, toilet scrubbing, gathering branches, splitting logs, mowing the lawn, PiYo workouts... it's some tough stuff, I tell ya!

My PiYo and my Shakeology has shipped and I should be receiving it sooo soooo sooooon!!  I'm very excited!  I got such a great deal on both because I ordered them as a Challenge Pack.  And, guess what?  The deal is still going on!  Interested? 

I have to admit something....

I'm cheap.  Frugal.   A penny pincher. Whatever you want to call it... I don't like to spend lots of money.  I always thought about buying some Beachbody products...but, I always said they were too expensive. I have a different mindset now.

The money I spent  is an investment.   I'm investing in my fitness and my health.  I've spent so many years dieting, going up and down in weight, and I've noticed that I'm happier when I'm healthier.  So, I'm not only investing in my health and fitness, but I'm increasing my happiness. :)

Are you interested in investing in yourself?  Email me at or leave a comment below if you're interested in doing something your future self will thank you for! :)

Oh, surprise!  Because you've gotta be a loyal reader (since you made it all the way to the bottom of my post), here's a little deal for you!

Click the picture to grab your freebie!  Thank you for being a loyal follower and reader!  :)