Hey, bloggy buddies! I took a couple days off from the blog world and I've been oh-so busy....because...GUESS WHAT...!
I sold my house!!!! Well, I hope! :) The inspection is in a couple days and, if all goes well, I will have to be out by August 13th. Oh, you know why ELSE August 13th is important? Not only will that be my official last day in my house, it is also the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL.
So, needless to say, I'm crazy busy.
I went into my MESS of a classroom yesterday. I tried to rearrange things, recover my boards (I have a TON of bulletin boards, but I'm not complaining!), and I hung some stuff up. Then, I went home and got creating.
I made new letters for my word wall. These will be the letter headers (does that make sense?).
I'm also making one of my 92038290 bulletin boards an I Can statement board. It'll be where I have everything the students will be learning that day - split up by content area, of course.
I've been thinking about this for a while.....I want my students to know exactly what it is we are learning in each lesson. I also want them to be able to refer back to the I Can Statements throughout the day, so they need to have big enough writing to be able to see at all times. Also, I want to be able to change the wording at the last minute, if I need to. So, my plan is to write them on dry erase boards each day.
Sounds kinda weird, but I'll show you what it turns out like when I'm finished!
So, for that board, I made the content area headers. Here they are! :)
I had a friend ask how I did the chevron pattern on the letters. This is something I learned from another blogger a long time ago (I don't know who! Sorry!). So, I'll let you know how to do it... just in case you ever want to!
First, open up PowerPoint and create some text.
Next, change the size and font. I like a nice thick bubble letter-ish text for doing something like this. I chose KG Second Chances Solid (check out
Kimberly Geswein's store...amaaazing fonts).
Then, highlight the words and right click.
Select Format Text Effects.
Once there, select Text Fill.
Solid fill will be selected...but, you need to click on Picture or texture fill
Next, click on
File and select an image from your computer. I use my
digital papers to fill in my text. :) With these words, I'm going to use a paper from my Boys Will Be Boys pack. So fun (and my best seller!). Select an image/paper and click Insert.
You'll notice the words have a fun pattern BUT, your pattern might be all misshapen and odd looking. Ew. We don't like that. To fix it, click Tile picture as texture. You can play with the Scale X and Scale Y percentages to make the pattern look perfect. For this one, I just kept them both 100%.
Ok, the pattern is looking better, huh? But, the words could use something else. YES! A thicker outline, of course! While you're still in the Format Text Effects box, click Text Outline from the list on the left side. Choose Solid line and choose a color. I like black for these words.
Eh, the outline looks better....but I think it needs to be a little (or A LOT) thicker. So, to do that, click on Outline Style from the list on the left side. Change the width. I picked 3.00 pt but you can do whatever you want!
Ah! Click Close and look at your magnificent letters!
Oh wait! You want to add more text with the same pattern but don't want to do all of those steps?
Just click in your text box and type away! Your letters will show up all patterned, pretty, and perfect!
Well, there ya' have it! Beautiful letters. You could use these letters in your classroom (just print and cut out!) or in your products! :)
Enjoy your Saturday!