Sunday Blues and Nouns!

How is it Sunday already!?  The weekends have been flying by way too fast lately! Tomorrow I'm headed to a Community Schools Forum.  I'm on my school's Strategic Planning Committee.  This is my second year on the committee so I feel like I have a better grasp of the purpose of the committee and most of the info.  Our principal asked if some of the committee members could attend this Community Schools Forum and I jumped at the chance.  But now, part of me is thinking that I'd much rather be teaching my sweeties than sitting at a boring meeting. Oh well, I'll make the most of it and hopefully learn something new!

We're starting nouns in ELA.  Nouns are fun to teach but my kiddos seem to struggle with being able to identify nouns in sentences (especially once their brains are confused with verbs and adjectives!).  I'm really going to buckle down and do some cute activities so they get excited about good ol' nouns! I have 3 items on TpT that I'm planning on incorporating.  But, I want to make more!  In the meantime (since I am completely out of my creative juices...), I made this little, simple book to use when we're ending our unit.  Click the picture to grab a copy!

If you're interested in my items on TpT that go with nouns, just click the pictures!

Little Note: One person was having some of the pages of this item not showing up correctly.  If you purchase it and find you're having the same problem, please leave your email address so I can help  you out! :-)

Oh!  These 2 items are both 20% off until midnight tonight for the Happy Fall Y'all! sale!! :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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