Fraction Fun and a Freebie!

Hello!  I have been one busy lady... not really busy... but, my mind has been busy.  Do you have a hard time getting things done when you have SO many things to do?  I'm definitely that way.  If the list is long, nothing gets done. 

How was your Teacher Appreciation Week?  We were allowed to wear jeans every day last week.  I hate jeans, though.  We got some new Mr. Sketch markers... :)  What teacher doesn't love a new pack of smelly markers?!

We also had a special lunch and breakfast.  AND...we got to pick a day to leave an hour early or come in an hour late.  I picked Thursday.  :)  I left an hour early and then I was off on Friday. It worked out perfectly!

I have my final evaluation on Monday.  Although I know I'm a good teacher, my students are angels, and I feel completely comfortable teaching in front of the principal... I'm still SUPER nervous!  :)   I'm going to be teaching fractions....

I already introduced fractions by offering some Hershey's bars.  I let the students pick what fraction of the bar they wanted.  Of course, they picked the one with the biggest denominator. :)  They learned REAL quick which one they should have picked.  They were so cute when they realized what the fractions meant... so everyone got a Hershey's bar.  :)

I didn't eat ANY of the chocolate.  I was so proud of myself.  :) I'm down 20 lbs... can't mess it up now! 

We've done more work with fractions since then so I really just need a fun, enrichment for them.  I found a little gem on TpT and knew it would be perfect...  Flower Fraction Freebie.  :)  Before creating our flowers, I'm going to ask them what fraction of a cookie they want.  I'm hoping they'll have a better understanding of fractions this time around. :)  

I also found a super cute game that we can play on the Promethean Board.  It's called Fractions Shoot.  There are different levels to play which will be perfect for my kiddos! 

Now, for the freebie!  I'm working on my Lavender Lemon Digital Paper Pack.  She's still not ready, but I want to give you some of the papers I have so far.  :) 

Click the pic to get your copy!  If you grab the freebie, please leave a comment below so I know what you think of it.  I love feedback! :)

Happy Weekend!


Sunday Blues and Nouns

Where did the weekend go?!

I spent Saturday shopping, napping, cleaning, and creating this fun little guy.

This is the ultimate resource for nouns.  I just wish I had made it earlier so I could have used it when I taught nouns.  :)  It'll be on sale in my TpT store for the big Teacher Appreciate Sale!  My store is going to be 20% off and you can get an extra 10% off of that by entering the code: TAD13.  (Click the pictures above to head there!).

I'm also throwing a little sale at my Teachers Notebook Artist Shop.  I'm offering 10% off and then TN will give you an additional 10%.  That means most of my digital paper packs are just $1.30-$1.80.  :)  They will be on sale until the 10th.  :)  Want to see my favorite pack?

Click the picture to check out more awesome deals!

I went to bed wayyyy too late Saturday night and woke up wayyy to early this morning.  I worked out (I'm down 18 bs!) and  I went to a shower for my good friend from work.  There were tons of people there and it was very pretty.  I'm glad I got to meet all of her family that I hear so much about.  :)

I know I promised a freebie this weekend but I've been pretty busy.  Please forgive me?!  I will definitely whip something great up throughout the week and offer it as a late Teacher Appreciation gift at the end of the week.  :)

Enjoy your last couple hours of the weekend!



Out of the 12 months, I have to admit that May is one of my faves.  School is coming to an end and we are doing lots of fun things in the classroom.  Summer Break is SO close... it hasn't started yet so you have the whole thing to look forward to.  AND... (I never let my students start sentences with "and".... but I still do it... bad teacher!) the weather is perfect!  It's warm, but not too hot.  The days are beautiful and sunny (usually) and the nights are cool and calm.  :)

What better way to kick off May (a couple days late) than with Farley's linky?!

My husband took the day off of work to hang out with his buddies and play video games and board games. It's perfect for me because then he doesn't expect me to play his "boy" games.  ;) 

I'm loving that there are only 21 days of school left for me!  I get a teeny bit sad when I think of ending the school year with these amazing kiddos, but, I look forward to a relaxing summer... and a fresh start next school year.   

With the end of the school year comes packing up the classroom.  We have to pick everything up off the floor, take decorations and other goodies down, and cover
e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.  The custodians wax the floor.  That's about it.  We are supposed to cover our boards because the custodians might paint... but, they never paint.  So, most of the packing and covering is all a big waste of time.  Do you have to pack up completely, too?  

I can't wait until my classroom floor is washed and waxed.  I washed my floor one time this school year... yes, I washed it.  I'm pretty sure that's the only time it has been done.  We sweep our classrooms every day... and I vacuum my own carpet.  I'm lucky if my garbage cans get emptied at the end of the day.  Needless to say, our school is pretty dirty and gross.  :(

I'm wanting some creativity!  I want to create some new things for TpT but I just can't think of what to make.... and I'm wanting some sweets.  Yum.  I've stayed strong and stuck to my diet.  I'm down 17 lbs and I can't wait to lose the rest! 

I need a tan.  Bad. 

My Summer Bucket List is pretty self-explanatory.  :)

Don't forget to link up!

On a different note, I'm working on some cute digital papers and I hope to offer up some freebies sometime this weekend!  Come back to check them out! :)